Sunday, December 6, 2009

Which is more important to You : USA Security or Afghanistan and/or Iran Foreign Policy..??

There are any number of critics of President Obama's handling of significant political issues, such as john (queen)king of cnn,david gregory, the republikkkan party,(pig faced) ed henry,faux noise etc..None of these,supposed informed parties, have solutions,only "i thinks" in regard to resolving the significant national or international issues affecting the USA electorate.
Hence begs the question "Which is more important to You : USA Security or Afghanistan and/or Iran Foreign Policy..??." If USA security is important,do you feel the threats exist outside the USA or internally ?? How easy is it to make the determination when you have wush limpballz,dem beck,the kkk and aryan nation,drug cartels,the birthers and teabaggers,anti-abortion maniacs who bomb and shoot people and they all fall on the same side as the taliban and al queda.They all want the USA to fail, as does the republikkkan party and their constituents.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Climate Change

Climate chnage is a very prominent issue in todays current events.Which side do you find yourself on ? Either you believe or you don't...,right?

Learning to blog

This is a very challanging experience ,trying to learn to goes..i follow current issues and issues in the not too distant past,hope you enjoy my thoughts.